Lessons support

Unit 5 - WATER

Working at the Computing Room

A- Perform a search on the net to get a definition of  "community" and create a new blog entry on your   e-     portfolio to upload the information. Sources and/or links must be included.

B- Based on tbe information that you got, find some examples of communities on the net. You can perform a  search on any search engine using the appropriate keywords.

Use your creativity, intuition and imagination!


Module 3 will deal with the concept of communities and our involvement with the didfferent communities we belong to.
To start with the vocabulary on this lesson, here is a link to an interesting page where you can learn about the different types of houses we can find. If you wish, it is also available to download.

Project on Communication

This project will be the first task for your 2011 Online portfolio for the English course.

You will have to write an article about an important type of communication and upload it to your blog.

The article should be between 100- 150 words.

You should:
  • include information about when and where it started;
  • show an example of it;
  • explain advantages and disadvantages of it.
See example on page 13 in the student´s book and the vocabulary on page 4 (keywords).
Note: Inclusion of graphic content or illustrations to help understand the article will be appreciated and considered at the time of evaluation

Body language
The lesson on page 11 and 12 deals with the topic of body language. A lot of information is transmited through our body and our gestures. Knowing how to read someone’s body language is like having your own personal lie-detector test. So start sussing out the truth today.

Source and more info at: http://www.howcast.com/videos/10608-How-To-Interpret-Body-Language

What is a "Blog"?

In this lesson we will study, talk and discuss the impact of the new technologies in comunication and information. We will also have to create a blog to put this into practice. Here is the starting point. A great task is waiting for us!

Let's start for the begining. What is a "blog"? Does anybody know what it is ? Who uses blogs and what for? Watch this video.

Now, here´s a video tutorial on how to create your own blog in a few minutes using Blogger. This will be YOUR PERSONAL BLOG FOR THE ENGLISH COURSE WHICH WILL CONTAIN YOUR PORTFOLIO FOR THIS YEAR.
Good luck and good work!

NOTE: Once you have created your blog, you should leave comment here to let the teacher know you´ve done it. An e-mail address will be provided later to correct your portfolio updates.


This is the Phonetic chart with the API symbols that you can find in your book and in your dictionary to know how to pronounce an English word.
You can print it.


This unit deals with Communication. In the class we have been working and discussing in groups about this topic. This presentation shows the process of human communication and several factors that affect it.

Here you will find extra material about the different topics that we will work on CHALLANGES 4.

2 comentarios:

  1. vendel terminamos el trabajo de las celebraciones.
    miralo no te hagas el rata JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJJAJA :)

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
